Donations to Beverly PTO
Monetary contributions make a significant impact at Beverly. Our PTO funds transportation for field trips, technology in the classroom, capital projects like the expansion of our playground, supplemental educational materials, and many other items throughout the year. We appreciate the generosity of both our corporate sponsors, and individual donors who provide opportunities for our students throughout the year.
To make a tax-deductible donation to the Beverly School PTO, please contact the Treasurer.
If your employer offers a gift matching program, please consider leveraging your donation with a match. For more information, our Gift Matching FAQ is below.
Companies will match donations to our PTO?
Yes! Beverly School PTO is an 501(c)3 organization and is eligible for most corporate matching programs. Your employer might also offer a monetary donation for your volunteer hours to qualified PTO activities.
Which companies match donations?
Many national and local companies will match your donation to Beverly School PTO. Companies that provide a corporate match for education based charities are: Andersons, Inc.; HCR ManorCare; Verizon; Home Depot; Libbey, Inc.; Mettler-Toledo, Inc.; Plante & Moran; SSOE, Inc.; The Toledo Edison Company; Wix Corporation; BP Foundation; Owens Corning; Dana Corporation; and O-I.
If it isn’t listed above, how do I know if my company will match my donation?
Please check with your employer’s HR department to see if they provide matching donations.
How do I apply?
Follow your company's procedure for matching funds. Each employer has different requirements, but most have a form with a portion for you to fill out with your donation information and a portion for Beverly PTO to fill out.
What is the tax ID (or EIN) number and contact information for Beverly School PTO?
Beverly School PTO
3548 S Detroit
Toledo, OH 43614
(419) 671-2600
tax ID: 31-1627499
Now that I’ve filled out my portion of my employer’s matching form, how do I have Beverly PTO fill out their portion?
You can put your paper form in the Beverly PTO secure mailbox located just off the lobby (near the trophy case) in the life-skills hallway.
Can I have my employer match my Fun Walk donation?
Yes! If you intend to have a corporate match for your child’s Fun Walk donation, please let the event coordinator(s) know. In order for the corporate match to count as a portion of your child’s Fun Walk total for prize eligibility, the employee portion must be filled out and submitted to the Beverly PTO in advance of the Fun Walk donation deadline.